You can download this free unity asset to create a series of procedural spheres around a circle. The radius of the spheres change based on a sine function. Download for Free
In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners you will learn how to make a series of rotating modules by gradually rotating a face around its axis . Free Tutorial
You can download this free unity asset to create a procedural 3D grid in Unity by defining the count and the size of each directional array. Download for Free
You can create a procedural curve by applying a sine motion function on the division points. The deformation of the curve is based on the sum of x and y coordinate of each point and generates an attractor point effect on the curve. Download for Free
In this Grasshopper tutorial for beginners you will learn how to generate fast contours from a mesh or a solid (Nurbs) using the Pufferfish plugin. Free Tutorial
You can create a procedural curve in Unity with a piecewise pattern by applying a linear wave on a series of points and converting them to a mesh. Download for Free